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Witch Pleas Publishing FAQ
Consult the Witch Pleas Publishing FAQ for any standard answers or contact us.
How do I submit my manuscript?
Send us an email directly at witchpleaspublishing at For game design, send us a sample of your game in its current form as a PDF attachment with a summary in the body text of the email. For fiction or nonfiction, send a summary of the work with the first 5k words in a Word document or PDF attachment. For art, send us an introductory email with a sample of the art as an image file attachment. Please put “Submission” in the email subject heading.
What genres do you accept?
Our preferred genres are tabletop roleplaying game materials, speculative or historical fiction short stories inspired by authentic folklore or classic literature, and nonfiction scholarly essays about folklore. We are open to novel manuscripts, mobile games, and board games.
What is your submission process?
Our staff reviews your work collectively to determine appropriateness. We respond within four (4) weeks, via email.
Do you accept unsolicited submissions?
Yes! We do not require representation and are open to unsolicited submissions.
What is your response time for submissions?
Our staff responds to submissions within four (4) weeks by email. If you do not receive a response by that time, we have decided to pass on your work.
What should I include in my query email?
Your query email should introduce yourself and any achievements within a relevant field, then describe your work in summary form. The summary should be a thorough outline of the work but should not be longer than a single 10-point font page. Present the most exciting points of the work. Be sure to include any goals you have for the work, especially what market you think it would be best suited for. Here is an article on how to compose a query along with a template.
Do you require exclusive submissions?
We do not require exclusivity in our submissions.
What happens after my manuscript is accepted?
When your submission is accepted, our staff contacts you directly by email. Our acceptance email includes feedback and initiates a video call for us to discuss the work with you.
What is the typical timeline from acceptance to publication?
Timeline from acceptance to publication varies depending on the scope of your work. Short-form fiction, art, and scholarly nonfiction are generally published in a quarterly journal. Longer form works and games are published in accordance to our annual timeline. Determination of where in the timeline your work fits is based on the complexity of publication, marketing plans, and the overall market.
Will I have input on the cover design?
Game designers and authors have input on the cover design, and some submit artwork along with their submission. The final decision on artwork is a collective one. If you have no cover design or interior artwork yet, we work to find an artist ideal for your work.
What types of editing services do you provide?
We prefer submissions to be fully edited, however we collaborate with our creators on a final editing process. This includes editorial and proofreading editing services.
How is the marketing and promotion of my book handled?
Our team of internal marketers and agency connections lead on marketing. We leverage our creators’ own marketing and network, but provide full marketing services.
What are your royalty rates?
Royalty rates vary based on the cost of publication, design, and marketing. However, we pride ourselves on offering royalty rates that are at the industry standard or better than the standard. That principle applies to both print and digital sales.
When and how are royalties paid?
We pay royalties on a quarterly basis.
Do you offer advances against royalties?
At this time, we are unable to offer advances.
Can I retain the rights to my work?
Yes. Though Witch Pleas Publishing retains the right to publish the work and includes a non-competitive clause, the author or creator can negotiate publication through other companies and in other languages.
How do you handle rights for international sales?
We sell rights for other publishers to handle any international markets, evenly dividing the proceeds with the creator, artist, or author.
What is your distribution network like?
Our distribution network includes direct, wholesale vendors and organizations, and is constantly growing.
How do you handle e-book and print-on-demand publishing?
Listings on e-book and print-on-demand sites, such as Amazon or DriveThruRPG, are established by Witch Pleas Publishing, using our “better practices” methods of optimizing them to be found for their ideal audience. The proceeds are gathered and distributed in royalty payments.
What is your policy on returning rights to the creator if the work goes out of print?
The creator can request a reprint and Witch Pleas Publishing must respond within a month. If we’re unable to issue a reprint after receiving a paid order, rights return to the creator.